In Acts chapter one as recorded by Luke (probably to expound on his account in the book of Luke) we see the appearance of Christ unto his apostles after his Resurrection. This account talks about how he showed himself to them, and then gave them "many infallible proofs", most likely meaning allowing them to touch his wounds and feel for themselves that they are real and that he is solid.
The resurrected Christ then goes on to teach them for forty days. He tells them that he will return one day and restore the Kingdom of God, but not yet. Then he is taken up into the heavens.
This was not the first time he had appeared unto people after his resurrection. In fact the first recorded account was when he appeared to Mary Magdalene. At that time he hadn't yet ascended unto God, and she was forbidden from touching him.
Later he appeared to some of his disciples and spoke to them, showing them his hands and side. Thomas wasn't with them that time, but when he appeared again he was present. Christ told Thomas to FEEL the prints in his hands, and feet, and side, so that Thomas would KNOW.
But there is a later account of Jesus meeting with those who believed in him. One that most Christian faiths do not accept. It is the account of Christ appearing to his people in the Americas shortly after his Resurrection. These people knew and witnessed the signs of his birth and death, and awaited his coming. These faithful men and women had waited man years and were persecuted for waiting. They were ridiculed and injured, but they never gave up hope.
In Third Nephi, in the Book of Mormon, we find this account. In it, Christ calls to his people from the heavens, and then descends down to them. He introduces himself, and then (since they had all fallen to their knees in worship) he tells them to rise and come feel his wounds. He teaches them for the rest of that day, and then promises to return. He teaches them several more times, and expounds on what they already knew of the gospel. Jesus establishes a church among them and gives men the priesthood. He heals all of the sick and lame. Then he ministers unto their children. After all of this he institutes the ordinance of the sacrament. He promises them that he will return one day, but that he has other sheep to teach right now. And finally, he leaves them.
I cannot imagine how truly amazing it would feel to see Christ in the flesh, and to feel the prints in his hands and feet. But Christ said that those of us who believe without seeing them will be blessed greatly. To be taught by Christ directly would also be a great blessing, but we have the words of those he has called. The words of prophets, seers, and revelators. We can know that his teachings are true without ever needing to meet him. But the greatest gift of all is the knowledge that Christ will come again, and that we will be saved through him. This is why the apostles were and are such steadfast witnesses of Christ: because he will return.
First he atoned for our sins, then he died for us, and finally he was resurrected we will be resurrected one day. His gospel is eternal, and teaches us that we must strive to return with him to the Father one day.
We can continue to be witnesses of God even today. We might not be called like the apostles, who proved by their devotion to the gospel that they were worthy and were chosen by prayer and careful research. But we can still proclaim the name of Jesus, and be examples of Christlike behavior to those around us. So should we always strive to do.
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